Traumatic Brain Injury

Accidents in which serious injury occurs often seem far less severe than the related injury that also may happen at the same time. A slip and fall, a skiing accident or a fight at school can, in certain circumstances, result in a traumatic brain injury (TBI). This condition manifests itself in many ways. Sometimes through short-term memory loss, other times through cognitive functional problems. More severe cases may involve speech and motor control problems. This type of injury requires experts that understand and an attorney that knows what a client will need in the short-term to regain as much function as possible and long-term from a healthcare perspective.

We supply the level of legal care and personalized assistance needed to protect your rights and ensure proper compensation if you or a loved one are unfortunately involved in a case involving such a significant trauma.

Experience That Makes a Difference

Our background in defending clients in almost every personal injury case imaginable means that we are able to bring a more comprehensive perspective to representation in brain injury cases. Even more difficult cases, those involving immunities on the part of defendants, have been handled thoroughly and successfully. Whether your injury involves an amusement park or water park accident, a fight at school or on the street, a car accident, a ski injury or a slip on a poorly maintained walkway, our Portsmouth traumatic brain injury attorney is prepared to provide the level of service needed.


We understand and are sensitive to the serious nature of your injury. We are also cognizant of the underlying emotions that build up in such situations. Think of our firm as a caring, legal resource to turn to when you need a strong advocate.

New Hampshire Brain Injury Attorney

If you have sustained a serious brain injury in an accident and need legal assistance that is both thorough and effective, we invite you to contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation.